February 2025
13th APTERR Council
8th AMRI+3
15th AMMTC+3
2026 8th APT EMM
- 24th AMAF+3 24th AMAF+325 October
- 24th AMAF+3 24th AMAF+325 October
- 11th AMCA+3 11th AMCA+324 October
- Strengthening The Connectivity of Regional Supply Chains ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Statement on Strengthening the Connectivity of Regional Supply Chains10 October
- 27th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of The 27th ASEAN Plus Three Summit10 October
- 21st AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Twenty-First ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting Plus Three (China, Japan, Korea) (21st AMEM+3)27 September
- 27th AEM+3 The 27th AEM-Plus Three Consultation22 September
- 14th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement of the Fourteenth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (14th AMMTC+3) Consultation29 August
- 7th APT EMM Joint Statement of The Seventh ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers Meeting26 August
- 10th AHMM+3 Joint Statement of The Tenth ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting (10th APTHMM)09 August
- 7th ACCSM+3 7th ACCSM+3 – The Heads of Civil Service Meeting for the 22nd ASEAN Cooperation on Civil Service Matters convenes in Brunei Darussalam07 August
- 25th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 25th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting27 July
- 27th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 27th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting03 May
- 23rd M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 23rd Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Ministers Plus Three (23rd M-ATM Plus Three)26 January
- 23rd AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 23rd Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea06 October
- 7th AMRI+3 7th Conference of The ASEAN Plus Three Ministers Responsible for Information23 September
- Developing Electric Vehicle Ecosystem ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Statement on Developing Electric Vehicle Ecosystem06 September
- 26th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 26th ASEAN Plus Three Summit06 September
- 20th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Twentieth ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting Plus Three (20th AMEM+3)24 August
- 13th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement of the Thirteenth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (13th AMMTC + 3) Consultation22 August
- 26th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of The 26th AEM Plus Three Consultation22 August
- 24th APT FMM 24th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (APT FMM) convenes13 July
- 8th AMMY+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of The Eighth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Youth (8th AMMY+3)21 June
- 7th AMMSWD+3 Secretary-General of ASEAN attends 7th Annual Ministerial Meeting Plus Three for Social Welfare and Development25 May
- 26th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 26th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting02 May
- 22nd M-ATM+3 Co-Chairs’ Statement The 22nd Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Ministers Plus Three (22nd M-ATM Plus Three)04 February
- 25th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of The 25th ASEAN Plus Three Summit12 November
- 12th ALMM+3 Joint Statement of The Twelfth ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting (12th ALMM+3)29 October
- 22nd AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Twenty Second Meeting of The ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry and The Ministers of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and The Republic of Korea (22nd AMAF Plus Three)26 October
- 6th APT EMM Joint Statement of The Sixth ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers Meeting14 October
- 12th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement The Twelfth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (12th AMMTC + 3) Consultation22 September
- 25th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 25th AEM Plus Three Consultation17 September
- 19th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement The Nineteenth ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting Plus Three16 September
- 6th ACCSM+3 Sixth ACCSM Plus Three05 August
- 23rd APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of The 23rd ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting04 August
- 9th AHMM+3 Joint Statement of the 9th ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting15 May
- 25th AFMGM+3 25th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting12 May
- 21st M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 21st Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers (M-ATM+3)19 January
- 21st AMAF+3 21st Meeting of AMAF Plus Three27 October
- 24th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 24th ASEAN Plus Three Summit27 October
- Cooperation on Mental Health ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Statement on Cooperation on Mental Health Amongst Adolescents and Young Children27 October
- 17th AMME+3 (EMM) 17th AMME+3 (EMM) — 16th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment and the 16th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution22 October
- 5th APT EMM Joint Statement of The Fifth ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers Meeting01 October
- 11th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement of the Eleventh ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (11th AMMTC + 3) Consultation30 September
- 18th AMEM+3 18th ASEAN+3 Ministers on Energy Meeting16 September
- 24th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement for the 24th AEM Plus Three Consultations13 September
- 22nd APT FMM 22nd ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting03 August
- 24th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 24th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting03 May
- 6th AMRI+3 6th AMRI+3 – Joint Media Statement of the 15th Conference of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information & 6th Conference of the ASEAN Plus Three Ministers Responsible for Information12 March
- 20th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 20th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers05 February
- 17th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement The 17th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan, and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting20 November
- 5th ACCSM+3 Head of Civil Service Meeting for the 5th ACCSM+320 November
- 23rd APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 23rd ASEAN Plus Three Summit14 November
- Cooperation for Economic and Financial ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Statement on Strengthening ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation for Economic and Financial Resilience in the Face of Emerging Challenges14 November
- 11th ALMM+3 11th ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM+3)28 October
- 9th AMCA+3 Joint Media Statement of The 9th Meeting of The ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts22 October
- 20th AMAF+3 20th Meeting of AMAF Plus Three21 October
- 23rd AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 23rd ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting18 September
- 21st APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of The 21st ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting09 September
- 23rd AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of The 23rd AEM Plus Three Consultation28 August
- Special Meeting AEM+3 on COVID-19 ASEAN Plus Three Economic Ministers’ Joint Statement on Mitigating The Economic Impact of The COVID-19 Pandemic04 June
- Special Meeting on COVID-19 Joint Statement of the Special ASEAN Plus Three Summit on Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)14 April
- Special Meeting on COVID-19 Joint Statement Special Video Conference of ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers in Enhancing Cooperation on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response07 April
- 19th M-ATM+3 The 19th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers14 January
- 10th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement The Tenth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (10th AMMTC + 3) Consultation28 November
- 6th AMMSWD+3 Sixth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Social Welfare and Development22 November
- 22nd APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of The 22nd ASEAN Plus Three Summit04 November
- Connecting the Connectivities ASEAN Plus Three Leaders Statement on Connecting the Connectivities Initiative04 November
- 19th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of The Nineteenth Meeting of The ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry and The Ministers of Agriculture of The People’s Republic of China, Japan and The Republic of Korea (The 19th AMAF PLUS Three)16 October
- 16th AMME+3 (EMM) 16th AMME+3 — 15th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment and the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution09 October
- 22nd AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 22nd AEM Plus Three Consultations10 September
- 16th AMEM+3 16th ASEAN+3 Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM+3)05 September
- 8th AHMM+3 8th ASEAN-Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting30 August
- 20th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of The 20th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting02 August
- 7th AMMY+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of The Seventh ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Youth (7th AMMY+3)19 July
- 22nd AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 22nd ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting02 May
- 18th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of The 18th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers18 January
- 10th ALMM+3 Joint Statement The Tenth ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM+3)29 November
- Cooperation against AMR ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Statement on Cooperation against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)15 November
- 21st APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of The 21st ASEAN Plus Three Summit15 November
- 9th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement The Ninth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (9th AMMTC + 3) Consultation01 November
- 4th APT EMM 4th ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers meeting (4th APT EMM)01 November
- 15th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement The 15th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting29 October
- 4th ACCSM+3 4th ACCSM+3 — ASEAN gears up towards resilient and innovative civil service25 October
- 8th AMCA+3 8th AMCA+3 — Joint Media Statement of The 8th Meeting of The ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts24 October
- 18th AMAF+3 The Eighteenth Meeting of The ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry and The Ministers of Agriculture of The People’s Republic of China, Japan and The Republic of Korea (18th AMAF Plus Three)13 October
- 21st AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of The 21st AEM Plus Three Consultations30 August
- 19th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of The 19th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting04 August
- 5th AMRI+3 5th AMRI+3 — Joint Media Statement – 14th Conference of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information and 5th Conference of ASEAN+3 Ministers Responsible for Information10 May
- 21st AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 21st ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting04 May
- 17th M-ATM+3 The 17th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three Tourism Ministers26 January
- 20th APT Summit Manila Declaration on the 20th Anniversary of ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation, 14 November 2017, Manila14 November
- Statement on Food Security ASEAN Plus Three Leaders Statement on Food Security Cooperation14 November
- 20th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of 20th ASEAN Plus Three Commemorative Summit14 November
- 17th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 17th ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 29 September 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand29 September
- 14th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement The 14th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting28 September
- 8th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement The Eighth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (8th AMMTC + 3) Consultation21 September
- 15th AMME+3 (EMM) 15th AMME+3 — 14th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment and the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution13 September
- 20th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 20th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 10 September 2017, Pasay City, Philippines10 September
- 7th AHMM+3 Joint Statement of the Seventh ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting, 7 September 2017, Bandar Seri Begawan07 September
- 18th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 18th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 7 August 2017, Manila07 August
- 6th AMMY+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of The Sixth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Youth (6th AMMY+3)20 July
- 20th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 20th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 5 May 2017, Yokohama, Japan05 May
- 16th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 16th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers, 20 January 2017, Singapore20 January
- 3rd ACCSM+3 3rd ACCSM+317 November
- 3rd ACCSM+3 3rd ACCSM+317 November
- 16th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 16th ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 7 October 2016, Singapore07 October
- 5th AMMSWD+3 Joint Statement of the Fifth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Social Welfare and Development, 30 September 2016, Jakarta30 September
- 13th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the 13th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Minister on Energy Meeting, 22 September 2016, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar22 September
- Promoting Sustainable Development ASEAN Plus Three Leaders Statement on Promoting Sustainable Development Cooperation07 September
- Statement on Active Ageing ASEAN Plus Three Statement on Active Ageing, 7 September 2016, Vientiane07 September
- 19th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 19th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 7 September 201607 September
- 7th AMCA+3 Joint Media Statement The Meeting of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts (AMCA) with Dialogue Partners (Seventh AMCA+3)25 August
- 19th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 19th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 4 August 2016, Vientiane04 August
- 17th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 17th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 26 July 2016, Vientiane26 July
- 3rd APT EMM Joint Statement of the Third ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers Meeting, 26 May 2016, Selangor, Malaysia26 May
- 9th ALMM+3 Joint Statement of the Ninth ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting, 16 May 2016, Vientiane16 May
- 19th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 19th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 3 May 2016, Frankfurt, Germany03 May
- 4th AMRI+3 4th AMRI+3 — Thirteenth Conference of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information and Fourth Conference of ASEAN Plus Three Ministers Responsible for Information17 March
- 15th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 15th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers, 22 January 2016, the Philippines22 January
- 18th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 18th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 21 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur07 November
- 14th AMME+3 (EMM) 14th AMME+3 — 13th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment29 October
- 12th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the 12th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 8 October 2015, Kuala Lumpur08 October
- 7th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement of The Seventh ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (7th AMMTC + 3) Consultation30 September
- 15th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 15th ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 11 September 2015, Makati City, Philippines11 September
- 18th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 18th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 23 August 2015, Kuala Lumpur23 August
- 16th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 16th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 6 August 2015, Kuala Lumpur06 August
- 5th AMMY+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Fifth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Youth04 June
- 18th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 18th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 3 May 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan03 May
- 14th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 14th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers, 26 January 2015, Nay Pyi Taw26 January
- 17th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 17th ASEAN Plus Three Summit13 November
- 13th AMME+3 (EMM) 13th AMME+3 — Media Release of the 15th Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment and 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution31 October
- 2nd ACCSM+3 2nd ASEAN+3 Heads of Civil Service Meeting (ACCSM+3)26 September
- 14th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 14th ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 24 September 2014, Nay Pyi Taw24 September
- 11th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of The 11th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting23 September
- 6th AHMM+3 Joint Statement of the Sixth ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting, 19 September 2014, Ha Noi19 September
- 2nd APT EMM Joint Statement of the Second ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers Meeting12 September
- 17th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 17th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 26 August 2014, Nay Pyi Taw26 August
- 15th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 15th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 9 August 2014, Nay Pyi Taw09 August
- 3rd AMRI+3 3rd AMRI+3 — Joint Media Statement of the 12th Conference of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information and Third Conference of ASEAN Plus Three Ministers Responsible for Information12 June
- 8th ALMM+3 Joint Statement of the Eighth ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting, 23 May 2014, Nay Pyi Taw23 May
- 17th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 17th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 3 May 2014, Astana, Kazakhtan03 May
- 6th AMCA+3 Joint Media Statement of the ASEAN-Dialogue Partners Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts Meeting, 20 April 2014, Hue City, Viet Nam (Sixth AMCA+3)20 April
- 13th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 13th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers, 20 January 2014, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia20 January
- 16th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 16th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 10 October 2013, Bandar Seri Begawan10 October
- 12th AMME+3 (EMM) 12th AMME+3 — 14th Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment and 9th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution26 September
- 10th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the 10th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 25 September 2013, Bali, Indonesia25 September
- 13th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 13th ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 23 September 2013, Kuala Lumpur23 September
- 6th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement of The 6th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Plus Three on Transnational Crimes (6th AMMTC+3)18 September
- 4th AMMSWD+3 Joint Statement Fourth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (4th AMMSWD+3)07 September
- 16th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 16th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 20 August 2013, Bandar Seri Begawan20 August
- 14th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 14th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 30 June 2013, Bandar Seri Begawan30 June
- 4th AMMY+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the 4th ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Youth23 May
- 16th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 16th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 3 May 2013, Delhi, India03 May
- 12th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 12th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers, 21 January 2013, Vientiane21 January
- 15th APT Summit ASEAN Plus Three Leaders Joint Statement on the Commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation, 19 November 2012, Phnom Penh19 November
- Statement on Partnership on Connectivity Leaders Statement on ASEAN Plus Three Partnership on Connectivity, 19 November 2012, Phnom Penh11 November
- 5th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement of the Fifth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (5th AMMTC+3) Consultation12 October
- 1st ACCSM+3 First ACCSM Plus Three04 October
- 12th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 12th ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 28 September 2012, Vientiane28 September
- 11th AMME+3 (EMM) 11th AMME+3 — 12th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment and 8th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution27 September
- 9th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Ninth ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 12 September 2012, Cambodia12 September
- 15th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 15th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 29 August 2012, Siem Reap, Cambodia29 August
- 13th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 13th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 10 July 2012, Phnom Penh10 July
- 5th AHMM+3 Joint Statement of the Fifth ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting, 6 July 2012, Phuket, Thailand06 July
- 1st APT EMM Joint Statement of the First ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers Meeting, 4 July 2012, Yogyakarta, Indonesia04 July
- 5th AMCA+3 Joint Media Statement of the 5th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts, ASEAN Plus Three and ASEAN Plus China24 May
- 7th ALMM+3 Joint Statement of the ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting (Seventh ALMM+3), 11 May 2012, Phnom Penh11 May
- 15th AFMGM+3 Joint Statement of the 15th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 3 May 2012, Manila03 May
- 2nd AMRI+3 2nd AMRI+3 — Joint Media Statement Eleventh Conference of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information (11th AMRI) and Second Conference of ASEAN Plus Three Ministers Responsible for Information (2nd AMRI+3)01 March
- 11th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 11th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers, 12 January 2012, Manado, Indonesia11 January
- 14th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 14th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 18 November 2011, Bali, Indonesia18 November
- 10th AMME+3 (EMM) 10th AMME+3 — 13th Informal AMM on the Environment, 7th Meeting of the COP to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution19 October
- 11th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 11th ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 7 October 2011, Jakarta07 October
- APTERR ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve Agreement, 7 October 2011, Jakarta07 October
- 8th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Eighth ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 20 September 2011, Jerudong, Brunei Darussalam20 September
- 14th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 14th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 12 August 2011, Manado, Indonesia12 August
- 12th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 12th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 21 July 2011, Bali, Indonesia21 July
- 14th AFMGM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the 14th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 4 May 2011, Ha Noi04 May
- 10th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 10th Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea Tourism Ministers, 18 January 2011, Phnom Penh18 January
- 3rd AMMSWD+3 Joint Statement of the Third ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development, 26 November 2010, Bandar Seri Begawan26 November
- 13th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 13th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 29 October 2010, Ha Noi29 October
- Luang Prabang Joint Declaration Luang Prabang Joint Declaration on ASEAN Plus Three Civil Service Cooperation, 29 October 2010, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR29 October
- 10th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the 10th ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 24 October 2010, Phnom Penh24 October
- 9th AMME+3 (EMM) 9th ASEAN Plus Three Environment Ministers Meeting — 6th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution and the 12th Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment14 October
- 13th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 13th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 26 August 2010, Da Nang, Viet Nam26 August
- 4th AHMM+3 Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting23 July
- 7th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Seventh ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 22 July 2010, Da Lat, Viet Nam22 July
- 11th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 11th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 21 July 2010, Ha Noi21 July
- 7th ALMM+3 Joint Statement of the Seventh ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting, 24 May 2010, Ha Noi24 May
- 13th AFMGM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 13th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 2 May 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan02 May
- 4th AMCA+3 Joint Media Statement of 4th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers of the Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts and ASEAN Plus Three Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts, 26 March 2010, Pampanga, Philippines26 March
- 9th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Ninth Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, 25 January 2010, Bandar Seri Begawan25 January
- 4th AMMTC+3 Joint Statement of the Fourth ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC+3)18 November
- 9th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Ninth ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 11 November 2009, Bandar Seri Begawan11 November
- 1st AMRI+3 Joint Media Statement of the 1st Conference of the ASEAN Plus Three Ministers Responsible for Information (AMRI+3)06 November
- 8th AMME+3 (EMM) 8th AMME+3 — 11th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment and the 5th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution30 October
- Statement on Food Security and Bio-Energy Cha-am Hua Hin Statement on ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation on Food Security and Bio-Energy Development24 October
- 12th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 12th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 24 October 2009, Cha-am Hua Hin, Thailand24 October
- 12th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 12th AEM Plus Three Consultation15 August
- 6th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Sixth ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 29 July 2009, Mandalay, Myanmar29 July
- 10th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the 10th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 22 July 2009, Phuket, Thailand22 July
- Special Meeting on H1N1 Chairman’s Press Statement of the ASEAN+3 Health Ministers’ Special Meeting on Influenza A (H1N1)08 May
- Special Meeting on H1N1 Joint Ministerial Statement of the ASEAN+3 Health Ministers Special meeting on Influenza A(H1N1) Bangkok, 8 May 200908 May
- 12th AFMGM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 12th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 3 May 2009, Bali, Indonesia03 May
- Joint Media Statement … Joint Media Statement Action Plan to Restore Economic and Financial Stability of the Asian Region Phuket, Thailand, 22 February 2009 (Report from the Finance Ministers of the ASEAN+3 to Heads of States/Governments22 February
- 8th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Eighth Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea Tourism Ministers, 9 January 2009, Ha Noi09 January
- 8th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Eighth ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 24 October 2008, Ha Noi24 October
- 3rd AHMM+3 Joint Statement of the Third ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting, 10 October 2008, Manila10 October
- 7th AMME+3 (EMM) 7th AMME+3 – 11th Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment, 4th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution and 7th ASEAN Plus Three Environment Ministers Meeting09 October
- 11th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 11th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 28 August 2008, Singapore28 August
- 5th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Fifth ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 7 August 2008, Bangkok07 August
- 9th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the Ninth ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 22 July 2008, Singapore22 July
- 6th ALMM+3 Joint Statement of the Sixth ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting, 8 May 2008, Bangkok08 May
- 11th AFMGM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the 11th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 4 May 2008, Madrid, Spain04 May
- 7th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Seventh Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea Tourism Ministers, 22 January 2008, Bangkok22 January
- 3rd AMCA+3 Third AMCA+312 January
- 2nd AMMSWD+3 Joint Statement of the 2nd ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development07 December
- 11th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 11th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 20 November 2007, Singapore20 November
- 2nd APT Summit Second Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation — Building on the Foundations of ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation20 November
- 3rd AMMTC+3 Joint Communiqué of the Third ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC+3)07 November
- 7th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Seventh ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 1 November 2007, Bangkok01 November
- 6th AMME+3 (EMM) 6th AMME+3 — 10th Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment, 3rd Conference of Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution, 6th ASEAN Plus Three Environment Ministers Meeting07 September
- 10th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the 10th AEM Plus Three Consultations, 25 August 2007, Makati City, Philippines25 August
- 4th AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Fourth ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 23 August 2007, Singapore23 August
- 8th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the Eighth ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 31 July 2007, Manila31 July
- 10th AFMGM+3 The Joint Ministerial Statement of the 10th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ Meeting05 May
- 1st AMMY+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the First ASEAN+3 Ministerial Meeting on Youth, 27 April 2007, Singapore27 April
- 6th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Sixth Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea Tourism Ministers, 30 January 2007, Singapore30 January
- 10th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the 10th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 14 January 2007, Cebu, Philippines14 January
- 6th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Sixth ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 17 November 2006, Singapore17 November
- 9th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Ninth AEM Plus Three Consultations, 24 August 2006, Kuala Lumpur24 August
- 7th APT FMM Chairman’s Press Statement for the Seventh ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting, 26 July 2006, Kuala Lumpur26 July
- 3rd AMEM+3 Chairman’s Statement of the Third ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 7 July 2006, Vientiane07 July
- 2nd AHMM+3 Joint Statement of the Second ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting: Unity in Health Emergencies, 22 June 2006, Yangon, Myanmar22 June
- 5th ALMM+3 Joint Statement of the Fifth ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting, 6 May 2006, Singapore06 May
- 9th AFMGM+3 The Joint Ministerial Statement of the 9th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ Meeting04 May
- 5th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Fifth Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea Tourism Ministers, 17 January 2006, Davao, Philippines17 January
- Declaration on the APT Summit Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the ASEAN Plus Three Summit12 December
- 9th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the Ninth ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 12 December 2005, Kuala Lumpur12 December
- 2nd AMMTC+3 Joint Communiqué of the Second ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC+3) Ha Noi30 November
- 5th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Fifth Meeting of the ASEAN Agriculture and Forestry Ministers and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 30 September 2005, Tagaytay City, Philippines30 September
- 8th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Eighth AEM Plus Three Consultations, 29 September 2005, Vientiane29 September
- 4th AMME+3 (EMM) 4th ASEAN Plus Three Environment Ministers Meeting – Joint Statement of the 9th Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment28 September
- 2nd AMCA+3 Chairperson’s Press Statement of the Second Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts (AMCA) and the AMCA Plus Three Bangkok03 August
- 6th APT FMM Chairman’s Press Statement of the Sixth ASEAN+3 Foreign Ministers Meeting, 27 July 2005, Vientiane27 July
- 2nd AMEM+3 Chairman’s Statement of the Second ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea Energy Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM+3): Promoting Greater Energy Stability, Security and Sustainability through ASEAN+3 Energy Partnership, 13 July 2005, Siem Reap, Cambodia13 July
- 8th AFMGM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Eighth ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 4 May 2005, Istanbul04 May
- 4th M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Fourth Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea Tourism Ministers, 25 January 2005, Langkawi, Malaysia25 January
- 1st AMMSWD+3 Joint Statement of the First ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development, 17 December 2004, Bangkok17 December
- 8th APT Summit Chairman’s Statement of the Eighth ASEAN+3 Summit, 29 November 2004, Vientiane29 November
- 3rd AMME+3 (EMM) Joint Press Statement of the 3rd ASEAN Plus Three Environment Ministers’ Meeting and the 8th Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment14 October
- 4th AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Fourth Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 8 October 2004, Yangon, Myanmar08 October
- 7th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Seventh ASEAN Economic Ministers and the Ministers of People’s Republic of China, Japan and Republic Korea Consultation (AEM+3)04 September
- 5th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the Fifth ASEAN+3 Foreign Ministers Meeting, 1 July 2004, Jakarta01 July
- 1st AMEM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea Energy Ministers Meeting (First AMEM+3): Forging Closer ASEAN+3 Energy Partnership, 9 June 2004, Metro Manila09 June
- 7th AFMGM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Seventh ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers, 15 May 2004, Jeju, Korea15 May
- 4th ALMM+3 Joint Statement ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam (Fourth ALMM+3)14 May
- 1st AHMM+3 1st AHMM+3 — Co-Chairs’ Statement 7th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting 22 April 2004, First ASEAN+3 Health Ministers Meeting 23 April 2004, Penang, Malaysia23 April
- 3rd M-ATM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Third Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea Tourism Ministers, 3 February 2004, Vientiane03 February
- 1st AMMTC+3 Joint Communiqué of the First ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC+3)10 January
- 2nd AMME+3 (EMM) 2nd AMME+3 (EMM) — News Release of the 9th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment19 December
- 1st AMCA+3 First AMCA+3 — ASEAN Ministers of Culture and Arts Hold Inaugural Meeting Kuala Lumpur, 14 October 200314 October
- 7th APT Summit 7th APT Summit — Press Statement by the Chairperson of the Ninth ASEAN Summit and the Seventh ASEAN+3 Summit, 7 October 2003, Bali, Indonesia07 October
- 6th AEM+3 Joint Media Statement of the Sixth ASEAN Economic Ministers and the Ministers of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea (AEM+3)03 September
- 3rd AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Third Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 22 August 2003, Kuala Lumpur22 August
- Joint Statement and Concern Joint Statement and Concern by the Tourism Ministers of ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea, 9 August 2003, Beijing09 August
- Special Meeting in Beijing Joint Press Release of the Special Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan, Korea Tourism Ministers, 9 August 2003, Beijing09 August
- Beijing Declaration Beijing Declaration on Revitalising Tourism for ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea, 9 August 2003, Beijing09 August
- Press Release on ABMI Chairman’s Press Release on the Asian Bond Markets Initiative07 August
- 6th AFMGM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the Sixth ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting, 7 August 2003, Makati, Philippines07 August
- Finance Cooperation Fund Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN+3 Finance Cooperation Fund07 August
- 4th APT FMM Chairman’s Statement of the Fourth ASEAN+3 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting17 June
- Special Meeting on SARS Joint Statement of the Special ASEAN+3 Health Ministers Meeting on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), 10-11 June 2003, Siem Reap, Cambodia11 June
- 3rd ALMM+3 Joint Statement of the ASEAN+3 Labour Ministers Meeting (Third ALMM+3), 9 May 2003, Mataram, Indonesia09 May
- Special Meeting on SARS Joint Statement ASEAN + 3 Ministers of Health Special Meeting on SARS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 26 April 200326 April
- Tourism Ministers' Retreat Chairman’s Statement of the ASEAN — China, Japan and Korea Tourism Ministers Retreat, 15 March 2003, Bali, Indonesia15 March
- 2nd M-ATM+3 Press Statement of the Second Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea Tourism Minister, 24 January 2003, Phnom Penh24 January
- 1st AMME+3 (EMM) 1st AMME+3 — Press Release of the 7th Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment and the 1st ASEAN+3 Environment Ministers’ Meeting21 November
- 6th APT Summit Press Statement by the Chairman of the Eight ASEAN Summit, the Sixth ASEAN+3 and the ASEAN-China Summit, 4 November 2002, Phnom Penh04 November
- 2nd AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the Second Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 11 October 2002, Vientiane11 October
- 5th AEM+3 Joint Press Statement of the Fifth ASEAN Economic Ministers and the Ministers of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea Consultation (AEM+3)14 September
- 3rd APT FMM Chairman’s Press Statement of the Third ASEAN+3 Foreign Ministers Meeting, 30 July 2002, Bandar Seri Begawan30 July
- 2nd ALMM+3 Second ALMM+310 May
- 5th AFMGM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting, 10 May 2002, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China (Fifth AFMGM+3)10 May
- 1st M-ATM+3 Press Statement of the First Meeting of ASEAN and China, Japan and Korea Tourism Ministers, 25 January 2002, Yogyakarta, Indonesia25 January
- 5th APT Summit 5th APT Summit — Press Statement by the Chairman of the Seventh ASEAN Summit and the Fifth ASEAN+3 Summit, 5 November 2001, Bandar Seri Begawan05 November
- 1st AMAF+3 Joint Press Statement of the First Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (AMAF Plus Three), 5 October 2001, Medan, Indonesia05 October
- 4th AEM+3 Joint Press Statement of the Fourth ASEAN Economic Ministers and the Ministers of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea Consultation (AEM+3)12 September
- 2nd APT FMM Chairman’s Press Statement of the Second ASEAN+3 Foreign Ministers Meeting, 24 July 2001, Ha Noi24 July
- 1st ALMM+3 First ALMM+311 May
- Joint Ministerial Statement … Joint Ministerial Statement of the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting, 9 May 2001, Honolulu, USA09 May
- 3rd AEM+3 The third Meeting of the ASEAN Economic Ministers and the Ministers of People’s Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea04 May
- 4th APT Summit The Fourth ASEAN Informal Summit 22-25 November 2000, Singapore25 November
- 2nd AEM+3 Joint Press Statement of the 2nd Meeting of the ASEAN Economic Ministers and the Ministers of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea (AEM+3)07 October
- 1st APT FMM First ASEAN+3 Foreign Ministers Meeting26 July
- Joint Ministerial Statement … Joint Ministerial Statement of the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting, 6 May 2000, Chiang Mai, Thailand06 May
- 1st AEM+3 Joint Press Statement of the 1st Meeting of the ASEAN Economic Ministers and the Ministers of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea (AEM+3)02 May
- 4th AFMGM+3 Joint Ministerial Statement of the 4th ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting 25-26 March 2000, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam26 March