14th M-ATM+3, 2015

Joint Media Statement of the 14th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers, 26 January 2015, Nay Pyi Taw

Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar 26 January 2015

1. The Fourteenth Meeting of the ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers was held on 26 January 2015 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, in conjunction with the Eighteenth Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Ministers (M-ATM) and the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2015. The Meeting was co-chaired by H.E. U Htay Aung, Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism, Myanmar and H.E. Mrs. Du Yili, Vice Chairman of China National Tourism Administration. The Meeting was preceded by the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) NTOs held on 24 January 2015.

2. The Ministers were pleased with the growth in the arrival of international visitor where the APT region welcomed 241 million of visitors in 2014, an increase of 6.9% from 2013.The Ministers noted that intra-APT travel remained the main source of tourism growth in the region, accounting for 66% of the total international visitor arrivals in 2013.