7th AMEM+3, 2010

Joint Ministerial Statement of the Seventh ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting, 22 July 2010, Da Lat, Viet Nam

Da Lat, Vietnam 22 July 2010


1. The 7th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM+3) was held in Da Lat, Vietnam on 22 July 2010. The Meeting was chaired by H.E. Mr. Vu Huy Hoang, Minister of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam, and co-chaired by H.E. Mr. Qian Zhimin, Deputy Administrator of the National Energy Administration of China; H.E. Mr. Chiaki Takahashi, Vice Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan; and H.E. Mr. Junggwan Kim, Deputy Minister of Knowledge Economy of the Republic of Korea. The Meeting was attended by the Ministers of Energy from the ASEAN Member States.

Towards Stronger Regional Energy Cooperation and Integration

2. The Ministers exchanged views on recent developments in energy and emphasized that the common objective of economic growth, energy security and environmental sustainability call for closer regional cooperation and unified action amongst ASEAN+3 countries. With this in mind, the Ministers expressed appreciation for the progress achieved by the ASEAN Senior Officials on Energy Meeting+3 (SOME+3) Energy Cooperation and commended their efforts in rationalising and streamlining the work plan along the key themes of energy security and oil stockpiling; natural gas and oil market; and new and renewable energy (NRE) and energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) for a more practical and most effective response to energy issues in the region. To this end, the Ministers endorsed the proposed work plan 2010-2011 for ASEAN SOME+3 Energy Cooperation.

Energy Security

3. Acknowledging the progress made by the ASEAN+3 Energy Security Forum, the Ministers noted that civilian nuclear energy plays an important role in mitigating the twin challenges of energy security and climate change concerns. In this regard, they reaffirmed their support for the contributions made by the Republic of Korea in conducting capacity building programmes in civilian nuclear energy for the region. They instructed the Forum to further build on the capacity building programmes to promote the development of civilian nuclear energy in the region to enhance the energy security.

4. Commending the continuous conduct of studies on regional energy demand outlook as a guide in identifying policy options to ensure energy security, the Ministers supported the on-going efforts to develop the “3rd ASEAN Energy Demand Outlook”. To this end, they encouraged ASEAN+3 countries to continue their valued contributions to the collection of Oil Price and Energy Data under the auspices of the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) to bolster the robustness of the regional report.

5. Realising the growing importance and reliance in coal among the region’s energy mix, the Ministers noted the importance of clean coal utilization as an integral thrust of the ASEAN+3 Energy Security Forum. The Ministers encouraged the Forum to work in synergy with the ASEAN Forum on Coal (AFOC) to chart the future development and contribution of coal in enhancing regional energy security.

Oil Stockpiling

6. The Ministers noted the progress achieved by the ASEAN+3 Oil Stockpiling Forum, with particular appreciation for the ASEAN+3 Oil Stockpiling Road Map (OSRM) Working Group co-hosted by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) of Japan. They welcomed the ASEAN+3 OSRM report as a dynamic document that will be updated as ASEAN+3 countries revise and update their OSRMS, and looked forward to its implementation, where appropriate in accordance with the four principles and methodology which were endorsed. In this regard, the Ministers welcomed its follow-up activities for 2010-2011 namely, (i) continued studies and development of the OSRM in accordance with the four principles and methodology, and report its progress at the next AMEM+3; (ii) review of OSRM development in ASEAN+3 countries by collecting annual information on the progress of ASEAN+3 countries’ oil stockpiling activities; and (iii) organise workshops to promote the implementation of each ASEAN country’s OSRM, while the +3 countries will provide support and assistance as appropriate.

7. The Ministers also appreciated IEA’s invitation for ASEAN to join its Emergency Response Training in September 2010 and the Emergency Response Exercise in 2011, and noted that through such joint programs with the IEA, ASEAN countries can further build up their expertise in such issues.

Natural Gas

8. The Ministers commended the regional dialogue on natural gas, acknowledging its contribution in facilitating a robust information exchange and closer cooperation in the areas of gas trade, market development, research and development, and technical cooperation across the region. The Ministers supported the initiatives proposed by the ASEAN+3 Natural Gas Forum namely: (i) develop a compendium of natural gas policies, development, projects and plans of the ASEAN+3 countries; and (ii) initiate preparatory activities for conducting a study on natural gas market in the ASEAN+3 region. They further noted that ASEAN+3 countries will continue to chart the appropriate direction for the natural gas industry in the region.

Oil Market

9. Noting that oil prices may remain highly volatile in the uncertain global economic outlook ahead, the Ministers recognised the need to promote greater stability in the international oil market through greater market transparency. In this regard, they expressed continued support for the Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI), and encouraged building stronger relationships and strengthening cooperation between oil producing and oil consuming countries. They lauded the efforts made by the ASEAN+3 countries towards this direction, and looked forward to greater steps in establishing pro-active policy measures to address oil market stability in the region.

NRE and EE&C

10. The Ministers acknowledged the progress achieved by the ASEAN+3 New and Renewable Energy (NRE) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Forum. Noting that energy efficiency and conservation is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce the region’s energy intensity and address climate change concerns, the Ministers directed the Forum to give greater impetus to the sharing of best practices in energy efficiency; building institutional capacities, and involving the business sector in the promotion and dissemination of energy efficient technologies in the ASEAN+3 countries.

11. The Ministers thanked the Republic of Korea for her support of the ASEAN+3 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) programme, which was jointly coordinated by Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) and ACE. The Ministers noted that the CDM programme would contribute to increasing opportunities in the region to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and promote sustainable development. They supported the follow-up activities proposed by KEMCO and ACE to undertake feasibility studies in select ASEAN Member States using its identification, pre-evaluation (IPE) scheme for candidate CDM projects.

12. The Ministers also recognised the importance of development and deployment of renewable energy in the ASEAN+3 countries. They noted that strong policy and regulatory frameworks are needed to accelerate the deployment of RE technologies throughout the region.

13. The Ministers expressed their appreciation to METI of Japan for organising the ASEAN+3 Joint Workshop on Effective Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy Guidelines held in Tokyo, Japan on 23-24 June 2010. The Ministers noted the Report of the joint Workshop and encouraged further collaboration in order to formulate specific policy guidelines on Energy Efficiency and Conservation.


14. The Ministers welcomed the new structure of the SOME+3 Fora consisting of: 1) Natural Gas and Oil Market Forum; 2) Energy Security Forum which includes Oil Stockpiling, Coal and Civilian Nuclear Energy; and 3) NRE and EE&C Forum including CDM.

15. The Ministers expressed great support for the on-going activities of the SOME+3 Energy Cooperation and look forward to review further developments and recommendations at the next ASEAN+3 Ministers on Energy Meeting to be held in Brunei Darussalam in 2011.


  1. H.E. Pehin Dato Mohammad Yasmin Umar, Minister of Energy, at the Prime Minister’s Office of Brunei Darussalam;
  2. H.E. Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy of Cambodia;
  3. H.E. Qian Zhimin, Deputy Administrator, National Energy Administration of China;
  4. Ms. Maritje Hutapea, Head of Bureau of Energy Policy and Assembly Facilitation, Secretariat General of National Energy Council, on behalf of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia;
  5. H.E. Chiaki Takahashi, Vice Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan;
  6. H.E. Junggwan Kim, Deputy Minister of Knowledge Economy of the Republic of Korea;
  7. H.E. Soulivong Daravong, Minister of Energy and Mines of Lao PDR;
  8. Y. Bhg. Dato’ Dr. Halim Bin Man, Secretary-General of Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water on behalf of the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water of Malaysia;
  9. H.E. Lun Thi, Minister of Energy of Myanmar;
  10. H.E. Jose Rene D. Almendras, Secretary, Department of Energy of the Republic of the Philippines;
  11. H.E. S. Iswaran, Senior Minister of State (Trade and Industry), Ministry of Trade and Industry of Singapore;
  12. H.E. Wannarat Channukul MD., MP., Minister of Energy of Thailand;
  13. H.E. Vu Huy Hoang, Minister of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam; and
  14. H.E. S. Pushpanathan, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Economic Community, on behalf of Secretary-General of ASEAN.