Economic Cooperations: Energy

On energy cooperation, a wide range of projects and activities have been regularly carried out, including the APT forum on oil market and natural gas; the APT forum on energy security; the APT forum on new and renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation. At the annual Senior Officials Meeting on Energy Plus Three (SOME+3) and the ASEAN Ministers on Energy Plus Three (AMEM+3), the APT countries exchanged views on energy security, oil market and natural gas, and energy efficiency and renewable energy promotion and deployment. AMEM+3 have agreed to support the implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025.

The 20th AMEM+3 held on 24 August 2023 adopted the Joint Declaration on Sustainable Energy Security through Interconnectivity. Subsequently, the 26th APT Summit adopted the ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Statement on Developing of Electric Vehicle Ecosystem where APT countries agreed to explore cooperation and collaboration on the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem in the region.


Ministerial Level

  • AMEM+3
    ASEAN Plus Three Ministers' Meeting on Energy

    Latest: 20th AMEM+3
    Bali, Indonesia 24 August 2023

    Upcoming: 21st AMEM+3
    Vientiane, Laos 27 September 2024

SOM Level

  • SOME+3
    Senior Officials Meeting on Energy Plus Three

WG Level

    ASEAN+3 Senior Officials’ Meeting on Energy (SOME+3) Energy Policy Governing Group (EPGG)

    Latest: 22nd SOME+3 EPGG
    Jakarta, Indonesia 23 June 2023

    Upcoming: 23rd SOME+3 EPGG
    Luang Prabang, Laos 2024

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