Socio-cultural Cooperations: Culture and Arts

The APT cooperation on culture is strengthened through the APT Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts (AMCA+3), APT Senior Officials on Culture and Arts (SOMCA+3), and the APT Cultural Cooperation Network (APTCCN). The APT Work Plan on Cooperation in Culture and the Arts 2022-2025 was endorsed by SOMCA+3 in 2021.


Ministerial Level

  • AMCA+3
    ASEAN Plus Three Meetings on Culture and Arts

    Latest: 9th AMCA+3
    Online Conference 22 October 2020

    Upcoming: 11th AMCA+3
    tbd, tbd

SOM Level

  • SOMCA+3
    Senior Officials Meeting on Culture and Arts Plus Three

    Latest: 15th SOMCA+3
    Vang Vieng, Laos 25 October 2023

    Upcoming: 16th SOMCA+3
    Malaysia October 2024

WG Level

    ASEAN Plus Three Cultural Cooperation Network

    Latest: 8th APTCCN
    Siem Reap, Cambodia 26 June 2019

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