Socio-cultural Cooperations: Labour

The APT cooperation on labour is pursued under the APT Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM+3). Since it was established in 2001, the ALMM+3 has been convened biennially. The 5-Year Priorities of the ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation on Labour 2021-2025, which was adopted by the ALMM+3 on 28 October 2020 is aimed to promote human resources development, inclusive growth, sustainable development as a response to the ASEAN economic integration, social dialogue, and occupational safety and health in the workplace.


Ministerial Level

  • ALMM+3
    ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting

    Latest: 12th ALMM+3
    Manila, Philippines Flag of the Philippines Coding according to the official "description and specification of the FILIPINO flag" in Executive Order No. 23 from 1936 29 October 2022

    Upcoming: 13th ALMM+3
    Singapore 31 October 2024

SOM Level

  • SLOM+3
    ASEAN Senior Labour Officials Meeting Plus Three

    Latest: 21st SLOM+3
    Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam 23 November 2023

    Upcoming: 22nd SLOM+3
    Singapore 29 October 2024

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