APT Latest News & Activities

Joint Press Statement of the Second ASEAN Directors-General of Immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions of Ministries of Foreign Affairs Meeting Plus Three Consultation (2<sup>nd</sup> DGICM+3 Consultation)

2nd DGICM+3

Joint Press Statement of the Second ASEAN Directors-General of Immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions of Ministries of Foreign Affairs Meeting Plus Three Consultation (2nd DGICM+3 Consultation)

Phuket, Thailand 10 August 2023

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Political Security Cooperations

Theme: Transnational Crime and Illicit Drugs

Topic: ASEAN Directors-General of Immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs Plus Three Consultation

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Deputy SecGen of ASEAN attends ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting

APT SOM August

Deputy SecGen of ASEAN attends ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting

Bali, Indonesia 3 August 2023

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Political Security Cooperations

Theme: Political

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials' Meeting

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19<sup>th</sup> Meeting of the Committee Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) Plus Three

19th CPR+3

19th Meeting of the Committee Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) Plus Three

Surabaya, Indonesia 27 July 2023

Level: CPR Level

Pillar: Political Security Cooperations

Theme: Political

Topic: Committee of Permanent Representatives Plus Three

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28<sup>th</sup> APTWG

28th CPRWG

28th APTWG

Surabaya, Indonesia 26 July 2023

Level: Working/Expert Group

Pillar: Political Security Cooperations

Theme: Political

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three Committee of Permanent Representatives Working Group

38<sup>th</sup> Country Coordinators Meeting (CCM)


38th Country Coordinators Meeting (CCM)

Online Conference 17 July 2023

Level: Track 1.5 & Track 2


Theme: Track 1.5 & Track 2

Topic: Network of East Asian Think-tanks Country Coordinators Meeting

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ASEAN Plus Three Senior Economic Officials Meeting (SEOM) consultation

ASEAN Plus Three Senior Economic Officials Meeting (SEOM) consultation

Surabaya, Indonesia 15 July 2023

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Economic

Topic: ASEAN Senior Economic Officials Meeting

24<sup>th</sup> ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (APT FMM) convenes

24th APT FMM

24th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (APT FMM) convenes

Jakarta, Indonesia 13 July 2023

Level: Ministerial-level Statements

Pillar: Political Security Cooperations

Theme: Political

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting

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3<sup>rd</sup> ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting 2023

3rd TF+3

3rd ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting 2023

Yogyakarta, Indonesia 11 July 2023

Level: Working/Expert Group

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Finance

Topic: ASEAN+3 Finance Task Force Meeting under ABMI

43<sup>rd</sup> ASEAN Plus Three National Tourism Organizations (NTO) Meeting and related activities

43rd ASEAN NTOs+3

43rd ASEAN Plus Three National Tourism Organizations (NTO) Meeting and related activities

Putrajaya, Malaysia 10 July 2023

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Tourism

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three National Tourism Organisations

The 16<sup>th</sup> ASOD+3 Consultation

16th ASOD+3

The 16th ASOD+3 Consultation

Online Conference 7 July 2023

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Political Security Cooperations

Theme: Transnational Crime and Illicit Drugs

Topic: ASEAN Senior Official Meeting on Drug Matters Plus Three

12<sup>th</sup> SOMHD Plus Three

12th SOMHD Plus Three

12th SOMHD Plus Three

Vientiane, Laos 23 June 2023

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Socio-cultural Cooperations

Theme: Health

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials’ Meeting on Health Development

22<sup>nd</sup> Senior Official Meeting on Energy + 3 Energy Policy Governing Group (SOME +3 EPGG) 

22nd SOME+3 EPGG

22nd Senior Official Meeting on Energy + 3 Energy Policy Governing Group (SOME +3 EPGG) 

Jakarta, Indonesia 23 June 2023

Level: Working/Expert Group

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Energy

Topic: ASEAN+3 Senior Officials’ Meeting on Energy (SOME+3) Energy Policy Governing Group (EPGG)