ASEAN Plus Three Field Epidemiology Training Network

At the 4th ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting in July 2010, the 13 Health Ministers expressed their support to further the development of networking among field epidemiology training programs among the ASEAN Plus Three Countries to heighten vigilance, preparedness, capacity, communication and collaboration. At the ASEAN+3 Expert Group on Communicable Diseases (AEGCD) Meeting in November 2010, Thailand's Ministry of Public Health was endorsed to be the focal point for this important initiative. In January 2011, Program Directors and the Authorities of field epidemiology training programs in ASEAN Member States and Plus Three Countries coalesced in Bangkok to establish the ASEAN Plus Three Field Epidemiology Training Network (ASEAN+3 FETN). In October 2011, the first ASEAN+3 FETN Steering Committee Meeting successfully agreed on a working mechanism, strategies and activities under the four-year workplan (2012-1015).
Visit ASEAN+3 FETN website for more information.