Until 2012, the APTCCN (ASEAN Plus Three Cultural Cooperation Network) meeting was called the Networking of East Asia Culture Heritage (NEACH), but the name was changed because the current five-year plan includes broader issues, as follows:

  1. The enhancement of regional cooperation in cultural fields through the establishment of a network of experts in related tangible and intangible fields;
  2. The development a sense of regional identity among the ASEAN countries, Japan, South Korea and China;
  3. And the necessity of common understanding in the areas of cultural heritage management, human resources development in the cultural context, and small- and medium-sized cultural enterprises development.
  • 8th ASEAN Plus Three Cultural Cooperation Network (APTCCN) Meeting

    Siem Reap, Cambodia 26 June 2019

  • 6th ASEAN Plus Three Cultural Cooperation Network (APTCCN)

    Da Nang, Vietnam 20 May 2017

  • The Fourth ASEAN Plus Three Cultural Cooperation Network (4th APTCCN)

    Niigata, Japan 11 September 2015

  • Third Meeting of the APTCCN

    Singapore 29 August 2014

  • First Meeting of the ASEAN Plus Three Cultural Cooperation Network (APTCCN)

    Bohol, Philippines Flag of the Philippines Coding according to the official "description and specification of the FILIPINO flag" in Executive Order No. 23 from 1936 23 July 2012

Document downloads for these meetings are limited.

See Also: