The ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (SOMY+3) was established to facilitate closer ASEAN Plus Three collaboration on youth development in the East Asian region, as expressed by ASEAN Plus Three Leaders in the Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation to "further deepen and broaden East Asian cooperation with tangible impact on the quality of life of the people of East Asia".

  • upcoming ➧

    12th SOMY+3

    Myanmar 2024

  • 11th ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (11th SOMY+3)

    Online Conference 20 June 2023

  • 10th SOMY+3

    Online Conference 24 September 2021

  • 9th SOMY+3

    Online Conference 23 October 2020

  • 8th SOMY+3

    Jakarta, Indonesia 5 May 2018

  • Seventh SOMY+3

    Siem Reap, Cambodia 26 August 2016

  • 6th ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (SOMY+3)

    Brunei Darussalam 8 October 2014

  • The 5th ASEAN+3 Senior Officials Meeting on Youth

    Jakarta, Indonesia 9 September 2012

  • 4th ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (SOMY+3)

    Ha Noi, Vietnam 27 October 2010

  • First ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Youth

    Phnom Penh, Cambodia 4 November 2004

Document downloads for these meetings are limited.

See Also: