2nd AMMSWD+3, 2007

Joint Statement of the 2nd ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development

Ha Noi, Vietnam 7 December 2007

We, the Ministers responsible for Social Welfare and Development of ASEAN, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) convened this Second ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development (AMMSWD+3) on 7 December 2007 in Ha Noi, Viet Nam.

With the aim of enhancing ASEAN Plus Three collaboration in social welfare and development, we shared views and ideas and had a valuable exchange of experiences on “the role of social welfare and development in the establishment of the East-Asia community”.

We noted that one of the Purposes of ASEAN as set out in the ASEAN Charter is to enhance the well-being and livelihood of the peoples of ASEAN by providing them with equitable access to opportunities for human development, social welfare and justice and hoped to see enhanced ASEAN Plus Three collaboration in the social welfare and development sector.

Mainstreaming Persons with Disabilities in Development

We discussed  the theme “Mainstreaming persons with disabilities in development: lessons and actions for the future” and emphasized the importance of mainstreaming disability issues as an integral part of promoting sustainable development, particularly with regard to the Millennium Development Goals.

We reaffirmed the priorities set out in the Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Plan of Action on building a community of caring societies in ASEAN, with attention to measures that would reduce the social risks faced by the elderly and persons with disabilities, increase the effective participation of women, family, civil society and the private sector in eradicating poverty and social welfare issues, and raise the standard of living of marginalised and disadvantaged groups.

We appreciated that this calls for consolidated efforts in cooperation between ASEAN Member Countries and the Plus Three Countries in all aspects of social welfare and development, stressing the importance of removing all barriers that had previously hindered the full participation of persons with disabilities in society.

Strategic Framework and Plan of Action for Social Welfare, Family and Children (2007-2010)

We commended the development of the ASEAN Strategic Framework and Plan of Action for Social Welfare, Family and Children (2007-2010) which succeeds and builds upon the previous framework, prioritizing the scope of cooperation in social welfare, family and children, and focusing on social development activities with sustained impact both nationally and regionally. 

Care for the Elderly

In line with the measures of the Vientiane Action Programme to ensure that social risks faced by persons with disabilities, women, children and  older persons are minimized, we noted with satisfaction the completion of the ‘ASEAN PlusThree Symposium on Older Persons’ as well as the first phase of the ASEAN-ROK Project on ‘Homecare for Older Persons’. 

We welcomed the proposal to continue the ASEAN Plus Three Symposium on Older Persons, following the first Symposium held in Bangkok in September 2005, and the future establishment of a network addressing ageing issues in ASEAN Plus Three countries as well as the proposed convening of ASEAN Plus Three meetings on ageing to address the potential contribution and vulnerabilities of older persons..

We also noted the current phase of the ‘Home Care for Older People in the ASEAN Countries’ project, which proposed the development of national policy and agenda to support home care and community-based care for older people among ASEAN Member countries.

We noted the convening of the ASEAN Plus Three Forum on Ageing in Beijing in December 2006, organised under the theme “home-care and community service”. 

Other efforts and developments in ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation on Social Welfare and Development

We acknowledged with appreciation the great efforts and successful developments achieved in the field of ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation on Social Welfare and Development since the 1st AMMSWD+3 held on 17 December 2004 in Bangkok.

We noted the convening of the 5th ASEAN-Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies in Tokyo in August 2007 under the theme: “Community Services for the Elderly” and welcomed the decision to continue convening the Meeting annually in future.

We also noted the organization of the ASEAN GO-NGO Forum on Social Welfare and Development in Bangkok on 8 – 9 September 2006, which for the first time, convened GO and NGO representatives from the ASEAN and Plus Three countries to discuss important regional priorities on social welfare and development. We commended the organization of the second ASEAN GO-NGO Forum on Social Welfare and Development in Hanoi on 3 December 2007.

We expressed our great appreciation to the relentless and continued support and cooperation by the Plus Three Countries in building ASEAN’s social welfare and development sectors and stressed the importance of mainstreaming disability concerns in all efforts and endeavours.

Second ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development

We thanked the Government and the people of Viet Nam for their generous hospitality accorded to us and to our respective delegations and for the excellent arrangements for the Second ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development. We also thanked the ASEAN Secretariat for their assistance to the success of the Meeting.

Third ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development

We welcomed the kind offer of Brunei Darussalam to host the Third ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development in 2010.

The Second ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development was held in the traditional spirit of ASEAN solidarity and cordiality.

H.E. Pehin Dato Haji Mohammad
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports
Brunei Darussalam

H.E. Say Siphonn
Secretary of State for Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation

H.E. Liu Guanghe
Vice Minister of Civil Affairs
H.E. Bachtiar Chamsyah
Minister of Social Affairs 

H.E. Wataru Ito
Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Labour and Welfare

H.E. Lee, Sang Yong, PhD
Deputy Minister for Health and Welfare

H.E. Laoly Faiphengyoa
Vice Minister of Labour and Social Welfare

H.E. Shahrizat binti Abdul Jalil
Minister of Women, Family and Community Development

H.E. Major General Muang Muang Swe
Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement 

H.E. Dr. Esperanza I. Cabral
Secretary for Social Welfare and Development
The Philippines

H.E. Yu-Foo Yee Shoon
Minister of State for Community Development, Youth and Sports

H.E. Poldej Pinprateep
Deputy Minister of Social Development and Human Security

H.E. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs 
Viet Nam

H.E. Ong Keng Yong
Secretary-General of ASEAN