2nd APT QA, 2014

Second APT QA Expert Meeting

Bali, Indonesia  17 October 2014

The Second APT QA Expert Meeting took place on 17 October 2014 in Bali, Indonesia. The meeting was attended by delegates from the full and associate member agencies of AQAN and quality assurance agencies from the Plus Three countries.

NIAD-UE provided a briefing on the interim report of the online survey results on quality assurance issues related to student mobility. The participants shared the following findings:

  • The mechanisms of quality assurance in ASEAN Plus Three countries are varied. In regards to promoting quality assurance relevant to student mobility, there are different degrees of interest among quality assurance agencies, maybe because of differences in 1) the volume of student mobility, 2) the type of student mobility and the mode of collaborative programs, and 3) national government policy.
  • Continuous discussion is needed to gain views on what elements of quality assurance are important where student mobility is actively seen and what should be noted in the APT QA Expert Meeting.

Representatives from Malaysia, Vietnam, China and Japan made presentations on their perspectives of quality assurance related to the questions on the survey on student mobility. Representatives from other countries also shared situations related to student mobility and quality assurance in their respective countries.