APT Latest News & Activities

25<sup>th</sup> APTWG

25th CPRWG

25th APTWG

Online Conference 5 May 2022

Level: Working/Expert Group

Pillar: Political Security Cooperations

Theme: Political

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three Committee of Permanent Representatives Working Group

The 35<sup>th</sup> NEAT CCM


The 35th NEAT CCM

Online Conference 27 April 2022

Level: Track 1.5 & Track 2


Theme: Track 1.5 & Track 2

Topic: Network of East Asian Think-tanks Country Coordinators Meeting

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ASEAN+3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting (AFCDM+3) virtually held

ASEAN+3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting (AFCDM+3) virtually held

Online Conference 1 April 2022

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Finance

Topic: ASEAN+3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting

The 10<sup>th</sup> Meeting of APTERR Council achieved its objectives with ASEAN Plus Three amity

10th APTERR Council

The 10th Meeting of APTERR Council achieved its objectives with ASEAN Plus Three amity

Online Conference 25 March 2022

Level: Director General level

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Food, Agriculture, and Forestry

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve

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ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting (TF+3), Virtual, 24 February 2022

ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting (TF+3), Virtual, 24 February 2022

Online Conference 24 February 2022

Level: Working/Expert Group

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Finance

Topic: ASEAN+3 Finance Task Force Meeting under ABMI

Joint Media Statement of the 21<sup>st</sup> Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers (M-ATM+3)

21st M-ATM+3

Joint Media Statement of the 21st Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers (M-ATM+3)

Sihanoukville, Cambodia 19 January 2022

Level: Ministerial-level Statements

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Tourism

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three Tourism Ministers

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40<sup>th</sup> Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three NTOs

40th ASEAN NTOs+3

40th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three NTOs

Sihanoukville, Cambodia 18 January 2022

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Tourism

Topic: ASEAN Plus Three National Tourism Organisations

ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting through Video Conference, 17 January 2022

ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting through Video Conference, 17 January 2022

Online Conference 17 January 2022

Level: Working/Expert Group

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Finance

Topic: ASEAN+3 Finance Task Force Meeting under ABMI

16<sup>th</sup> ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD+3)

16th SOMSWD+3

16th ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD+3)

Online Conference 17 December 2021

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Socio-cultural Cooperations

Theme: Social Welfare and Development

Topic: Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development Plus Three

19<sup>th</sup> East Asia Forum

19th EAF

19th East Asia Forum

Online Conference 7 December 2021

Level: Track 1.5 & Track 2


Theme: Track 1.5 & Track 2

Topic: East Asia Forum

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ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting

ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting

Online Conference 1 December 2021

Level: Working/Expert Group

Pillar: Economic Cooperations

Theme: Finance

Topic: ASEAN+3 Finance Task Force Meeting under ABMI

14<sup>th</sup> SOMRDPE+3 and Related Meetings

14th SOMRDPE+3

14th SOMRDPE+3 and Related Meetings

Online Conference 26 November 2021

Level: SOM Level

Pillar: Socio-cultural Cooperations

Theme: Rural Development and Poverty Eradication

Topic: Senior Officials Meeting on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication Plus Three