The implementation of the Strategic Plan (SP) and coordination with all ASEAN Bodies will be carried out by the ASEAN subsidiary bodies under AMAF, utilizing the support of national institutions through networking arrangements. AMAF, with support of SOM-AMAF, will provide policy guidance to subsidiary bodies under its purview and the ASEAN Secretariat will provide support to SOM-AMAF and AMAF and will coordinate closely with the subsidiary bodies.

Under SOM-AMAF, the implementation of the SP will be supported by strengthened ASEAN Structure and Mechanism, comprising of AMAF structure and regional coordination mechanism. The current dialogue mechanisms with interested development and dialogue partners will be continued to support and facilitate smooth implementation of the SP.

All SPs and associated activities and measures will be formulated at the very outset with clear, quantifiable, key performance indicators (KPIs) and well specified timelines framed in a logical framework approach that enables effective monitoring and evaluation, and regularly reviewed.

Definition of KPIs for each sector will be preceded by clear determination of priorities and timelines by SOM-AMAF. Additional KPIs will be developed for cross sectoral challenges such as response on climate change and competition in land use. KPIs will be framed in a realistic manner in a consultative process taking into account various constraints and recognising the diversity among AMS, but ensuring at the same time that the goals would be met during the plan period.


Special SOM for AMAF Plus Three

Malaysia August 2024


Preparatory SOM for AMAF+3 Meeting

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2 October 2023

23rd SOM AMAF+3

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2 October 2023

Special SOM 22nd AMAF Plus Three, 23 August 2023

Online Conference 23 August 2023


Prep-SOM 22nd AMAF Plus Three

Online Conference 25 October 2022

Special SOM-21st AMAF Plus Three Meeting

Online Conference 24 August 2022


Preparatory SOM-21th AMAF Plus 3

Online Conference 26 October 2021

Special SOM-20th AMAF Plus 3

Online Conference 24 August 2021

Document downloads for these meetings are limited.

See Also: