The ASEAN Plus Three Minerals Cooperation Work Plan 2022-2025 serves as a blueprint to intensify cooperation between ASEAN and the Plus Three Countries of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea in sustainable minerals development. It is the successor of the ASOMM+3 Work Plan for 2016-2020.

The 8th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Minerals (AMMin) held on 8 October 2021 noted with satisfaction the implementation of the ASEAN+3 Minerals Cooperation Work Plan for 2016-2020 with a 90% accomplishment rate. Nine out of 10 action lines were successfully completed with around 34 activities conducted throughout the work plan period in various forms of capacity building such as seminar, training, and workshop – in such areas as hydrogeology, environmental geology and geo-hazard, basic geology, marine geosciences; digital technology for geological survey, geo-information technology as well as sustainable mining practices. Some activities were initially disrupted by the global pandemic but nonetheless were adjusted and implemented through online webinars and hybrid platforms. Capacity building on geological mapping and minerals exploration, mineral resources exploration, and efficient green technologies were successfully delivered online, while young geologists from ASEAN Member States benefited from scholarships to pursue post-graduate studies in Plus Three Countries. A number of programmes/activities through the private sector forum and exchanges were also conducted under the ASOMM+3 Work Plan 2016-2020 to promote investments from the Plus Three Countries into the ASEAN minerals sector.