ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation Work Plan 2018-2022

3 December 2018

The ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Cooperation Work Plan 2018-2022 serves as a principal guide to enhance APT cooperation over the next five years towards achieving the long- term goal of establishing an East Asia community. Consistent with existing regional mechanisms, APT recognises ASEAN Centrality as the driving force in the evolving regional architecture. Building on the achievements of the previous APT Work Plan and taking into account recommendations of the East Asia Vision Group (EAVG) II, including the vision to realise an East Asia Economic Community by 2020, this Work Plan will help ASEAN realise the goals of its Community Vision 2025 as well as further strengthen the APT partnership.

    1. Deepen political and security dialogue and cooperation through:
      1. The annual APT Summit in conjunction with the ASEAN Summit and high level consultations;
      2. Strengthening cooperation to promote good governance, rule of law and promotion of human rights;
      3. Support for the implementation of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD) and the Phnom Penh Statement on the Adoption of the AHRD (“Phnom Penh Statement”);
      4. Exchange of information on regional efforts to advance human rights and fundamental freedoms in ASEAN;
      5. Active participation at the relevant ASEAN-led mechanisms including the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus), and East Asia Summit (EAS) with the view to ensuring peace, security and stability in the region; and
      6. Enhancing multilateral and regional cooperation in disarmament and non- proliferation of weapons of mass destruction including nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and their means of delivery and related materials.
    2. Combat transnational crimes, address other non-traditional security issues through:
      1. Exchange of visits and enhanced dialogue on law enforcement and security;
      2. Cooperation in:
        1. Combating trafficking in persons and support for the implementation of the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (ACTIP) and the ASEAN Plan of Action and the ASEAN Plan of Action Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (APA),
        2. Combating and suppressing cybercrimes and promoting cybersecurity cooperation to create a resilient and secure regional cyberspace through:
          1. Enhancing coordination of incident response procedures among law enforcement agencies and criminal justice authorities to promote timely and effective handling of cybersecurity incidents, and
          2. Increasing law enforcement capacity building and coordination on cybersecurity in dealing with increasingly sophisticated cyber threats,
        3. Addressing emerging transnational crimes, such as illicit trafficking of wildlife and timber as well as migrant smuggling, trafficking in persons and other transnational crimes in accordance with relevant international conventions and with each countries’ national circumstances;
      3. Cooperation among law enforcement in relation to extradition and mutual legal assistance, in accordance with the domestic laws of APT countries and other relevant treaties;
      4. Combating illicit drug trafficking under the framework of Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC) Plus Three Working Group on Narcotics to eradicate the scourge of drugs;
      5. Supporting ASEAN in securing communities against illicit drugs and realising the region’s aspiration of a “Drug-Free ASEAN”; and
      6. Exploring cooperation between APT and the Bali Process on people smuggling, trafficking in persons and related transnational crimes while ensuring ASEAN Centrality.
    3. Counter terrorism and violent extremism through:
      1. Addressing the root causes of terrorism and conditions to terrorism, violent extremism and radicalisation;
      2. Sharing information on terrorists and transnational criminal organisations, including their leaders and members, operational methods and supporting infrastructures, linkages, as well as criminal activities;
      3. Implementing measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, to better detect, analyse, investigate and prosecute, in accordance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)’s recommendations;
      4. Working towards the elimination of smuggling of small arms and light weapons, as a major contribution to the national and international efforts of counter terrorism;
      5. Enhancing cooperation in the field of border management to help identify terrorist suspects and their supporters as well as deterring the flow of foreign terrorist fighters and terrorism-related funds and materials; and
      6. Supporting the effective implementation of and the accession to relevant international conventions and protocols on counter terrorism.
    4. Enhance maritime cooperation through:
      1. Cooperative activities, such as safety of navigation, in accordance with the relevant international and regional treaties and agreements including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), as well as capacity building assistance and technical cooperation projects; and
      2. Fighting against piracy, armed robbery against ships, hijacking and smuggling, as well as to address transboundary challenges, in accordance with relevant international laws including through cooperation with relevant regional cooperative frameworks, with respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of APT countries.
    5. Promote moderation as a common value through:
      1. Empowerment of moderates in various religions;
      2. Promotion of inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue to enhance mutual understanding among different cultures and religions; and
      3. Promotion of universal ideals of religious moderation and tolerance.
    1. Promote trade and investment through:
      1. Promoting the full utilisation of ASEAN Plus One FTA with China, and the Republic of Korea as well as the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership;
      2. Cooperative measures and actions for promoting attractive environment for investment as well as mutual investment, conducting capacity building activities, and sharing best practices and experiences;
      3. The swift conclusion of negotiations toward establishing a modern, comprehensive, high quality and mutually beneficial Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), to facilitate economic activities among ASEAN and its Free Trade Agreement partners which includes the Plus Three countries;
      4. Improving customs procedures and expediting customs clearance and release, using ASEAN Single Window as a basis;
      5. Conduct of a study to promote mutually beneficial trade and investment cooperation to all APT countries;
      6. Strengthening the role of the East Asia Business Council (EABC) through private sector recommendations in promoting business interaction in the region and where relevant to continue to support the initiatives by the EABC;
      7. Enhancing the role of the ASEAN-China Centre, ASEAN-Japan Centre and ASEAN-Korea Centre in promoting trade and investment in the context of the APT cooperation;
      8. Encouraging collaboration among the EABC, ASEAN-China Centre, ASEAN-Japan Centre and ASEAN-Korea Centre to promote trade and investment in the APT context; and
      9. Encouraging cooperation between the ASEAN + 1 Business Councils, the EABC and the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat to explore areas of mutual interest with a view to promoting deeper regional integration and further enhance the work and initiatives of APT cooperation.
    2. Maintain financial market stability in the region through:
      1. Strengthening the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM) as an essential part of the regional financial safety net;
      2. Supporting the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) to strengthen its conduct of regional economic surveillance and its operational capacity to support the implementation of CMIM as a credible and effective regional financing facility;
      3. Supporting the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI)’s contribution to the development of the local currency bond markets across the region; and
      4. Promoting the issuance of government and corporate bonds denominated in local currency and strengthening the functions of the Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF).
    3. Promote sustainable tourism and people-to-people connectivity through:
      1. The implementation of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Governments of the Member States of ASEAN and the Government of the Plus Three Countries on Strengthening Tourism Cooperation;
      2. Developing quality, responsible, sustainable, accessible, inclusive and balanced tourism;
      3. Establishing information sharing mechanisms on tourism statistics and strategic planning, investment opportunities, economic data and tourism- related risk management, as well as the involvement of private sector in tourism in the region;
      4. Tourism education, capacity building and personnel training to support quality, sustainable, inclusive and balanced tourism;
      5. Exchange among media agencies and journalists among ASEAN Plus Three countries;
      6. Upgrade of tourism-related infrastructure and services;
      7. Effective measures to attract new and additional resources for tourism investment; and
      8. Conduct of joint tour programmes, promotion of intra-regional travel through visa facilitation, as well as an East Asian volunteers’ programme.
    4. Enhance cooperation in food, agriculture and forestry through:
      1. Dialogue, exchanges of information, capacity building, and sharing of best practices in key areas of mutual interests;
      2. Support for the effective implementation of the ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and the Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security in the ASEAN Region (SPA-FS), 2015-2020 and collaboration with relevant ASEAN bodies in implementing the ASEAN Food Safety Policy (AFSP);
      3. Ensuring food security within the region through the further implementation of the Tier 3 program and encouragement of the utilization of Tier 1 and Tier 2 programs of the Agreement on APT Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR);
      4. The convening of the regular APT Food Security Cooperation Strategic Roundtable Conference;
      5. Strengthening the monitoring and forecasting related to the supply and demand of rice within the region;
      6. Exchange of information on major food commodities through strengthening the ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS);
      7. Opportunities for ASEAN farmers, including young farmers, and those engaged in agribusiness to learn and develop more efficient farming practices and management skills;
      8. Conduct of activities under the APT Bioenergy and Food Security Framework 2015 – 2025 to assist ASEAN Member States in ensuring sustainable, food- secure and climate-friendly bioenergy;
      9. Cooperation on fisheries and forest products development and promotion schemes, as well as promotion of regionalisation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing;
      10. Engagement of private sector in policy discussions, programme and project formulation, research and development (R&D);
      11. Providing incentives and fostering an enabling environment for public-private partnerships (PPPs) towards enhancing productivity and quality;
      12. Development of new and appropriate technologies, best practices, and resource management systems to ensure food safety and address health/disease and environmental issues, particularly in the fast growing aquaculture, livestock and horticulture sub-sectors;
      13. Implementation of competition policies to ensure a level playing field for producers and MSMEs and prevent unfair exploitation by large firms with market power in integrated supply chains, particularly in the food, agriculture and forestry sector;
      14. Support for the efforts of ASEAN to establish regional agreements on timber trade and promote cooperation with ASEAN’s external partners in the global timber trade; and
      15. Strengthening of forest law enforcement and governance.
    5. Enhance energy security and cooperation through:
      1. Information exchanges and research on alternative, new and renewable energy;
      2. Efforts to create a more favourable market environment for efficient energy markets, regional energy production and trade, investments in energy infrastructure and facilities;
      3. Efforts to promote a competitive, transparent and flexible market of natural gas including LNG, facilitate infrastructure investment and promote new natural gas demand for the benefit of all securing energy security and creating growth opportunity in the region and supporting the implementation of ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2022;
      4. Promotion of energy efficiency and conservation;
      5. Promotion of greater cooperation and market transparency, including through the Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI), exchange of energy data, where possible, and sharing of national energy policies on a voluntary basis;
      6. Exploring ways to supporting the national rural electrification programmes of concerned ASEAN Member States;
      7. Capacity building on the improvement of energy safety management systems;
      8. Support for the implementation of activities and programs in coordination with and supportive of the strategic measures under the ASEAN Plan of Action of Energy Cooperation 2016-2025 (APAEC) Phase 1 (2016-2020) or its successor plans;
      9. Support for the work of the ASEAN Centre for Energy; and
      10. Conduct of collaborative activities to exchange best practices, share experiences and build capacity on the use of clean and environmentally- friendly energy technologies.
    6. Enhance cooperation in minerals through:
      1. Facilitating trade and investment in the mineral sector for mutual benefits, as well as closer cooperation in capacity building in the mineral sector;
      2. Research and development activities for the sustainable development of the mineral sector;
      3. Encouraging private sector participation and public-private sector collaboration in conducting programmes and activities related to the sustainable development of mineral resources in the region;
      4. Promotion of technical information exchange, share experiences and best practices on, among others, the development of the ASEAN Mineral Database, scientific and technological research and development of geosciences, the sustainable development of mineral resources; and
      5. Support for the implementation of plans and programs in coordination with and supportive of the strategic measures under the ASEAN Minerals Cooperation Action Plan 2016-2025 (AMCAP–III) Phase 1 2016-2020 or its successor plans.
    7. Promote sustainable development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through:
      1. Regular Joint Consultations between the ASEAN SME Agencies and SME Agencies of the Plus Three countries to strengthen the exchange of information and best practices among the relevant authorities and institutions of SMEs, encourage market expansion, discuss investment opportunities, and identify new areas of cooperation;
      2. Support for the implementation of the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development (2016-2025), including sharing of best practices, experiences, on the development of MSMEs as well as convening of capacity building programmes, seminars, workshops, and symposiums;
      3. Policy consultations and exchange of expertise between the concerned authorities, including relevant stakeholders on MSMEs and MSMEs cooperation;
      4. Cooperation in traditional areas, including trade, agriculture and tourism, and relevant new areas conducive to economic growth such as environment, energy, digital economy, human resource development, education, science and technology;
      5. Explore the proposal for an APT SMEs service alliance in consultation with relevant sectoral bodies; and
      6. Empowerment of MSMEs through better access to financing and markets as well as other relevant means of support.
    8. Strengthen cooperation in science, technology, and innovation (STI) through:
      1. Exploring cooperation in human resource development and networking on STI, and promotion of public-private partnership;
      2. Exploring joint capacity building activities, exchange of information, and sharing of best practices in areas of mutual interest such as STI policies, technology transfer, commercialisation, products and scientific standards, investment and IPR management;
      3. Promotion of research and technology development in areas with potential for commercial applications such as biotechnology, food technology, new materials, microelectronics and information technology, marine resources, new and renewable energy, life science, medical devices and technology, and space technology;
      4. Cooperation in meteorology addressing climate information and prediction services, weather observations and climate change; and
      5. Promotion and/or participation in relevant STI events, for example, the APT Centre for the Gifted in Science (ACGS), the ASEAN Food Conference, ASEAN Science and Technology Week, and science, technology, and innovation youth camps.
    1. Protect and conserve the environment and promote sustainable use of natural resources through:
      1. Closer cooperation in the following areas:
        1. Support ASEAN efforts in the prevention and reduction of environmental pollution, particularly marine and coastal pollution, transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and transboundary haze pollution through ASEAN agreements and decisions,
        2. Support APT environment cooperation mechanisms such as the ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Environment (APT SOME) and ASEAN Plus Three Environment Ministers Meeting (APT EMM),
        3. Conservation of biological diversity and natural heritage and sustainable management,
        4. Application of advanced and environment-friendly technologies and best practices,
        5. Sustainable water resource management, including groundwater,
        6. Sustainable management of coastal and marine environment,
        7. Management and governance of urban environment, especially the ASEAN Initiative on Environmentally Sustainable Cities,
        8. Public awareness and Education for Sustainable Development including environmental education, and
        9. Implementation of multilateral environmental agreements, in particular climate change, chemical and chemical waste-related conventions and partnerships;
      2. Capacity building through:
        1. exchanges of information and experiences between and among government authorities, institutions and experts,
        2. provision of training courses and scholarships and dissemination of information through seminars, workshops and conferences,
        3. conducting joint research and development and networking among research/academic institutions, and
        4. technology transfer;
      3. Promotion of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and environmental sound management of waste; and
      4. Promotion of sustainable development to reduce negative aspects of development on the environment.
    2. Address the impact of climate change through:
      1. Closer cooperation among APT countries in mitigation and adaption to climate change, as well as development, transfer and diffusion of technologies to raise capacity to respond to climate change; and
      2. Promotion of sharing of experiences, including community-based mitigation and adaptation, in addressing socio-economic impacts of climate change, particularly on vulnerable groups.
    3. Forge closer cooperation in poverty alleviation for sustainable development through:
      1. Support for the implementation of the Framework Action Plan on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication 2016-2025;
      2. Building knowledge and capacities on the thematic areas of rural economic growth; social protection and social safety nets; development of infrastructure and human resources in rural and peri-urban areas; resilience of the poor and vulnerable groups to economic and environmental risks; public-private-people partnerships; and
      3. Strengthening public-private-people partnerships through capacity building and technical exchange programme for village and/or community leaders from APT Countries.
    4. Strengthen social welfare and development through:
      1. The implementation of the ASEAN Strategic Framework Action Plan on Social Welfare and Development 2016-2020;
      2. The implementation of the Regional Framework and Action Plan to implement ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection by 2025;
      3. Promotion and protection of the rights, and enhancing the opportunities and participation of persons with disabilities for inclusive societies;
      4. Promotion of the survival, protection, participation and development of children;
      5. Addressing challenges related to issues faced by the vulnerable groups, including unemployment, the need to increase the coverage of social protection, the increasing cost of living, movement from rural to urban centres, street and domestic violence, and violence against women and children;
      6. Development of social protection policies for increased access and sustainability, and share experiences and best practices on social protection for vulnerable groups;
      7. Development of human and economic potential of vulnerable groups through capacity and capability development;
      8. Strengthening the resilience of families and caregivers in societies, and enhancing the participation and social responsibility of stakeholders;
      9. Promotion of the use of ICTs for women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups, to enhance building social and economic community; and
      10. Strengthening demographic policy by sharing information and conducting joint research to respond to the demographic problems.
    5. Promote Active Ageing through:
      1. Promotion of healthy, active and productive ageing in an enabling and supportive environment, towards implementing the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Ageing: Empowering Older Persons in ASEAN and the ASEAN Plus Three Statement on Active Ageing;
      2. Sharing information and experiences of the ageing in APT and exploring how APT can conduct regional cooperation involving non-governmental organisations and the private sector;
      3. Strengthening the capacities of governments, corporate bodies, civil society organisations, communities and stakeholders in delivering adequate care for older persons, including the development of human capital and expertise;
      4. Development of older people’s associations and other forms of networking;
      5. Promotion of age-friendly communities and cities through sustainable and accessible infrastructures;
      6. Cooperation in sharing of expertise on designing senior-friendly environment;
      7. Support for ASEAN’s effort in developing an ASEAN regional action plan on ageing to develop capacities of ASEAN Member States in effectively addressing issues arising from ageing society; and
      8. Promotion of collaboration in research and development on elderly health issues identified as priorities by APT countries.
    6. Promote women empowerment and gender equality through:
      1. Enhancement of regional cooperation to improve the protection and empowerment of women, especially those in vulnerable situations including the elderly, persons with disabilities, women living with HIV/AIDS, internally displaced persons, and women at risk or victims of gender-based violence, pursuant to the implementation of the ACW Work Plan 2016-2020;
      2. Promotion of the leadership of women in the political sphere and the public and private sectors;
      3. Enhancement of the economic empowerment of women, women entrepreneurs, including young women and especially those in the micro-, small- and medium-enterprises as well as the informal sector;
      4. Promotion of gender-sensitivity and eliminate gender-stereotyping in primary, secondary and tertiary levels in public schools, and raising understanding and awareness of media practitioners on gender equality;
      5. Mainstreaming of gender analysis and women’s perspectives in regional initiatives, including those on ensuring decent work, social protection, and building resilience; and
      6. Support for the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (RPA-EVAW) and Regional Plan of Action on the Elimination of Violence Against Children (RPA-VAC), as well as initiatives to promote and protect the rights of women and children in the ACWC Work Plan 2016-2020.
    7. Build capacity of civil service through:
      1. Exchange of experiences and best practices on key areas within public administration and reform, enhancement of human resource capabilities, promotion of effective and efficient civil service, public accountability, and good governance;
      2. Sharing expertise and know-how in civil service matters and capacity development among APT countries; and
      3. Support for the efficient and effective implementation of the ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation on Civil Service Matters (ACCSM+3) Work Plan 2016-2020.
    8. Promote cooperation on labour and migrant workers through:
      1. Support for the implementation of the ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Work Programme 2016-2020;
      2. Support efforts to protect and promote labour rights, including the rights of migrant workers, promote occupational safety and health, as well as promote progressive labour practices taking into account relevant international instruments and each country’s national circumstances as appropriate;
      3. Closer cooperation in capacity building for government officials in the thematic areas of gender mainstreaming of labour sector, labour dimension of sustainable development, functional social dialogue, and emerging labour trends;
      4. Closer cooperation to improve workforce competitiveness, productivity, and productive employment by, among others, supporting the implementation of the Action Plan on Strategic Programs to Produce a Qualified, Competent and Well-equipped Labour Force;
      5. Promotion of harmonious, safe and progressive workplace with adequate social protection; and
      6. Encourage discussion on mobility of labour and its influence on economies and other related issues, taking into account the respective circumstances of each country.
    9. Enhance cultural exchange and cooperation through:
      1. Exchange of experts and expertise in culture, traditional and contemporary art and heritage preservation activities;
      2. Human resource development and training in the cultural field, including through the exchange of experiences on the hosting of large-scale cultural activities;
      3. Promotion of cultural understanding and greater awareness of each other’s culture, through cultural festivals, film festivals, art exhibitions, workshops and other events;
      4. Promotion of interaction, networking, and exchange of visits between government authorities involved in cultural affairs, as well as between cultural institutions, museums, archives and libraries, as well as artists, experts, practitioners in theatre, music, acrobatics, dance, folk art, and cinematography;
      5. Rendering assistance and support for the protection, preservation, and restoration of cultural and historical heritage;
      6. Collaboration between cultural, creative and design industries including joint venture and co-production; and
      7. City level dialogue and collaboration between the East Asian Cultural Cities and the ASEAN City of Culture, where appropriate.
    10. Enhance cooperation in youth exchanges and sports through:
      1. Research and policy dialogue on the impact of globalisation, modernisation and ICT revolution on youth with a view to exchanging lessons learned and best practices;
      2. Youth exchanges for deeper mutual understanding and forging a sense of commonality, as well as APT Educational Forum and Young Speakers’ Contest, and the APT Youth Cultural Forum;
      3. Promotion of the spirit of youth volunteerism through partnerships with APT members to inculcate a stronger APT community spirit among APT youth by involving them in community development projects;
      4. Promotion of ASEAN and East Asian traditional games and sports to foster greater understanding of the heritage of such sports, and to enhance closer people-to-people exchanges; and
      5. Engagement of youth in mutually beneficial sports exchange programmes.
    11. Enhance capacity in information and media through:
      1. Exchanges and cooperation in the area of journalism, including press, radio, and television;
      2. News exchange and information/media persons exchange programmes;
      3. Consultations, dialogues and forums on journalism and broadcasting issues and media policies;
      4. Personnel training for the technicians and professionals in the TV and broadcasting sectors, and print and media journalists;
      5. Cooperation in content generation, including digital content, through co-production; and
      6. Cooperation of East Asian public broadcasting stations of ASEAN and Plus Three countries.
    12. Strengthen education systems and improve access to education through:
      1. Cooperation in promoting universal basic education, including improving quality of primary and secondary education and accelerating learning opportunities for out-of-school children and youth;
      2. Cooperation in research and development among APT higher education institutions and research agencies;
      3. Encouraging credit transfers and mutual recognition of qualification on voluntary basis between universities in APT countries by sustaining the existing APT Working Group on Mobility of Higher Education and Ensuring Quality Assurance of Higher Education;
      4. Encouraging the ASEAN+3 University Network (ASEAN+3 UNet) to complement and support the ASEAN University Network platform;
      5. Enhancing efforts to expedite visa application procedures for students and intellectuals who travel between ASEAN Member States and the Plus Three countries for academic purposes, in accordance with existing national regulations;
      6. Encouraging greater promotion of student exchanges and mobility and quality assurance of higher education through the ongoing APT Working Group on Mobility of Higher Education and Ensuring Quality Assurance of Higher Education;
      7. Cultivation of an East Asian identity through promotion of ASEAN Studies and East Asian Studies in the region;
      8. Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development through various approaches such as strengthening cross-sectoral collaboration, establishing scholars networks, promoting multi-disciplinary research, ways such as exchange of teachers and sharing of good practices; and
      9. Strengthening cooperation in diplomatic education and training through Annual Meeting of Deans and Directors of diplomatic training institutions of APT countries.
    13. Strengthen cooperation in public health through:
      1. Capacity building, technical assistance and networking among APT countries in the areas as agreed by the APT Health Ministers’ Meeting and as stated in the relevant APT Joint Statements;
      2. Capacity building in public health emergency disaster management including the response through whole-of-society approach;
      3. Promotion of research and development and human resources development in the areas related to public health;
      4. Cooperation at the global and regional levels to prevent, control and reduce the impact of communicable and emerging infectious diseases including pandemics;
      5. Collaboration, exchange of experiences on Universal Health Coverage;
      6. Improving ASEAN’s emergency preparedness against the outbreak of pandemic influenza and other emerging health threats;
      7. Conduct of activities to improve accessibility to safe, quality, affordable and effective medicines and to promote the rational use of medicines including containing anti-microbial drug resistance;
      8. Collaboration in the area of traditional medicines; and
      9. Joint efforts in advocating, facilitating, and implementing relevant social and economic interventions in addressing non-communicable diseases and its risk factors including tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diet, as well as sedentary life style.
    14. Promote cooperation in disaster management and emergency response through:
      1. Support for the Implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) and its Work Programme; and
      2. Support for the realisation of the ASEAN Vision on Disaster Management, ASEAN Declaration on One ASEAN, One Response: ASEAN Responding to Disaster as One in the region and outside the region and implementation of ASEAN Joint Disaster Response Plan.
    1. Promote regional connectivity in East Asia; and
    2. Promote cooperative activities, including joint projects and capacity building programmes, to support successful implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025.
    1. Provide support for ASEAN to narrow the development gap and accelerate regional integration among its member states through the implementation of the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III.
    1. Engage various stakeholders to reflect their views in the process of East Asia community building; and
    2. Strengthen the East Asia Forum (EAF) and the Network of East Asian Think Tanks (NEAT), and consider their recommendations as supplementary source of inputs for policy formulation that is based on research and inter-sectoral consultations.
    1. Continue strengthening the APT Cooperation Fund (APTCF);
    2. The ASEAN Secretariat will develop a schedule and time frame for implementation of this Work Plan as means to inform and monitor activities implemented to address measures under this Work Plan;
    3. Develop and implement projects in line with ASEAN’s project management framework;
    4. Review the Work Plan through the existing mechanisms, with the ASEAN CPR Plus Three Meeting as the monitoring mechanism;
    5. The ASEAN Coordinator for APT cooperation will prepare concise progress report on the implementation of the Work Plan for submission to the annual APT Summit; and
    6. Encourage ASEAN-China Centre, ASEAN-Japan Centre, and ASEAN-Korea Centre to exchange ideas, experiences and explore possible joint projects to promote trade, investment, tourism, cultural exchanges, and people-to-people contact between ASEAN and the Plus Three countries.
